Merchandise Links
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Associate Merchandise Sites
These are merchandise sites that is associated with. Any purchases made at these sites through these links earn a little money for If you enjoy our site and want to purchase something from these sites, support us through these links. They won't cost you a cent extra!
| is the Japanese You can order Japanese DVDs, CDs, manga, calendars...many wonderful things (Remember, Japanese DVDs are region 2. Don't order them unless your DVD player can handle region 2 DVDs.)!
The site, searches, and descriptions are in Japanese, but you can choose to see most of the important navigation and order information in English. To view the site's Japanese or type Japanese into the search bars on, you computer needs a free upgrade from, the Japanese IME.
**Important search note: When entering "Inuyasha" in Japanese to search for products, the correct "sha" kanji doesn't show up when you type in "sha". Try entering an alternate pronunciation of that kanji, "mata" and searching for the correct character. **
Akadot Retail has many products, but their claim to fame is that they are one of the only online stores that sell Japanese comic tone! Check out their art supplies!
Get translated manga at Barnes &!
| hardly needs an introduction! You can buy DVDs and manga here, for Inuyasha, or even other anime!
Unaffiliated Merchandise Sites

Online anime/manga related store.